How To Raise Healthy Kids

There are several ways to help your children be their best, healthiest selves! Just as we believe holistic health is essential for adults, we also think a multi-faceted approach is ideal for having a healthy family. Read on for 7 tips to raise healthy kids and comment with your own ideas!
- Be a Role Model. We get it. The days are long and it’s challenging to even find time to eat or exercise sometimes. No one is perfect! Strive for small steps you can take to be a role model for your child. Whether it’s drinking water, eating fruits and vegetables, or doing kids yoga together, demonstrating healthy behaviors is a wonderful way to teach your kids how to live a healthy lifestyle just like Mom and Dad.
- Play active games. Chances are your youngster is a busy little bee on their own, but if you’re looking for ways to up the activity level, consider playing active games together such as hopscotch, tennis, basketball, or baseball.
- Dance it out. Family dance parties are a thing and an underrated way to get out some energy or change the energy after a tough day. Turn on some old favorites or new hits and let loose for a few songs and boost your mood. Dance movement therapy and dance improves mood, and can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, according to a study in The Arts in Psychotherapy.
- Involve Them In Meal Prep. Making meals ahead of time is a great way to ensure you have nutritious food on hand for those crazy days. Involve your little ones in the preparation by giving them a space to safely play with kitchen utensils and food or, for older, more independent kids, have them follow and prepare a recipe on their own!
- Decrease Screen Time. Reducing screen time has several health benefits, including improving sleep, reducing anxiety and stress, allowing you to be fully present in the moment, and helping you wake up more focused.
- Walk it Out. Going for family walks is a great way to spend time together while exercising and enjoying nature. Nature therapy, ecotherapy, or green therapy is based on the idea that we are connected to and impacted by the environment. Further, research shows there are positive mental and physical benefits of connecting with nature including reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and anger. Just don’t forget the safe sunscreen!
- Manage Stress. We know parenting is stressful. One of the biggest stress management tips is to simply take care of yourself. A lot of stress comes from when you’re tired or when you’re overwhelmed, causing your blood pressure to rise. Taking time for you to ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep, exercise, and consume energy-boosting foods like strawberries and green foods will help reduce stress. Adding vitamins and supplements can not only help infuse your family’s bodies with the nutrients they may not be getting from their diets but also promote stress and anxiety reduction for everyone.
In Summary
By looking at a few behaviors and activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family, your daily lives can be filled with lower stress levels and higher wellbeing.
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